Sunday, 21 September 2014

What's in my evening bag?

What's in my evening bag?

I love reading blog posts and watching YouTube videos of girls showing off their bag and the contents inside of it. I have really wanted to do one for a while, therefore I thought I would but I wanted to show you what I pack in my evening/clubbing bag. Just because I have fallen in love with my new evening bag from Primark. They have some truly, gorgeous evening bags in Primark at the moment. I prefer to have plain ish evening bags so that I don't have to struggle trying to match my outfit to my bag. This black, croc detail faux leather bag was perfect for what I wanted with the tiny detail of the gold and tassels on the front. Believe it or not, it was only £5! Fabulous!

Now I haven't put everything in the photograph of what I would take out as I thought they were the obvious ones; money/purse, phone and keys! Other than those obvious essentials, these are the other things I like to take with me in my evening bag..

The first thing, which again is probably obvious, is your ID. Yes embarrassingly mine is my Passport. If you forget your ID your night is basically ruined from your first steps out of your door. Next I make sure that my iPhone portable charger is fully charged to put in my bag. When you are trying to find your lost drunken friends, taking hundreds of selfies and then ringing for your taxi back home the last thing you need is your phone dying on you! Another item I always pack is the lipstick I am wearing. Unfortunately when drinking, unless your lipstick is magical, it doesnt seem to stay perfect all night. Which means that you need to take it with you so that you can quickly just put some more on. I always take my favourite lip balm out with me as well just in case I don't have the time to redo my lipstick. Other items I would advise packing, if you have room in your bag, is a packet of chewing gum and a small hairbrush.. or my beloved Tangle Teezer in my case. You might want to take other makeup with you, but you don't want to be spending all of your time when you are out in the ladies! 

- Kat Melladay x